Do you want to optimize your nutrition, create healthy meals for you and your family? Do you have personal nutrition goals? We would love to work with you.
Healthy eating should be good – nourishing and delicious. Life is too short and too busy for anything else. Healthy eating should be simple and stress-free; something you feel great about and gain energy from, so you can enjoy those things that matter most to you
Our promise to you: to provide you with individualized care, based in science, to help you achieve your health and wellness goals
We review the latest research to provide evidence-based recommendations. We work hard to stay up to date with the latest and greatest in nutrition and wellness.
Meal Planning
Are you looking for assistance with planning meals for yourself and your family? Andrea Miller MHSc RD Consulting Dietitians are ambassadors for the Meal Garden and CookSmarts meal planning programs.
These programs provide a variety of meal planning tools and resources, including recipes, grocery lists, infographics, cooking tips and more. Both services offer free trails. If you are struggling with meal planning for yourself and your family, we encourage you to check out these programs.
E-Resource – $10.00
This 30 page booklet provides step-by-step guidelines for meal planning, including a week long family meal plan; grocery shopping and label reading tips; suggestions for planning and packing healthy lunches and tips for eating healthy when eating out.
Includes: recipes, a sample grocery list, and a list of reliable nutrition related web sites
Consider ordering one for yourself and one for a friend or family member. Click
to contact us, to order your copy.