Eating Healthy While on Vacation

By: Dianna Yanchis BSc (Nutrition) Candidate
Reviewed by Andrea Miller MHSc, RD

A vacation is a time to relax, explore new places, try new foods and spend time with friends and family.  Vacations are a much-needed break from our daily routine, however breaking from routine can make it difficult to eat well and stay on track with your health goals.   A little planning before you leave can go a long way in helping you to make healthy food choices. Here are some tips on how to eat healthy while on vacation.

Whole Wheat vs. Whole Grain

By: Dianna Yanchis BSc (Nutrition) Candidate
Reviewed by Andrea Miller MHSc, RD

Whole Grain or Whole Wheat?

Grain products, one of the four food groups, are foods that are made or derived from barley, cornmeal, oats, rice, wheat, or any other cereal grain. Grains are often the seeds of certain plants. The bran, the endosperm and the germ are the three main parts of the seed, or kernel.  All three parts contain valuable nutrients that play an important role in the diet.